Monthly Archives: January 2014

‘nanny’ Actress Shares Funny Tales On Dieting

“I’ve collected many stories and adventures that are funny and insightful. It is a joy to share them with the audiences as everyone can relate to dieting. Given that Sylvia (her character on “The Nanny”) was obsessed with food, people expect me to talk on dieting,” said the 80-year-old actress. “Marilyn Monroe ate grapes, Grace Kelly ate yogurt. Most people remember what famous people wore when they met; I remember what they ate.” Her one act one woman show was sold out when it debuted locally last year at the Levis JCC in Boca Raton .
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Successful pure garcinia cambogia dieting demands real food

Cover and refrigerate. Cook the quinoa: Cover quinoa in cold water and let soak for 10 minutes. Drain and rinse well. Place in a pot and cover with 2 cups cold water.
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Wow, Tech Nerds Take Dieting Really Seriously

How else would they be at the tippy top of the meritocracy that is Silicon Valley?New York Mag got in touch with a few of them to see how they do it and share their techniques with the rest of us plebes. Hint: they don’t call it dieting. To sound cooler, they refer to weight loss as “bodyhacking,” kind of like how CrossFit dads call their gyms “boxes” and their kids “never.” For Silicon Valley types, the point of “bodyhacking” isn’t to losing weight or feeling better; it’s outdoing the guy next to you “surviving a punishingly work-centric way of life, and figuring out how to apply the ideals that govern their professional world innovation, optimization, efficiency, quantification to the human body,” NYMag says. Tech workers are not the only ones with punishingly work-centric ways of life.
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